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Graham Bell’in İngilizce Ve Türkçe Hayatı
Alexander Graham Bell was born on 3 March 1847 in Edinburgh and educated there and in London.
Alexander Graham Bell, 3 Mart 1847’de Edinburgh’da doğdu ve orada ve Londra’da eğitim gördü.
He was educated at Edinburgh High School, Edinburgh University and the University of London.
Edinburgh Lisesi, Edinburgh Üniversitesi ve Londra Üniversitesi’nde eğitim gördü.
1870 Bell moved to Canada with his family.
1870 Bell ailesiyle birlikte Kanada’ya taşındı.
Later Alexander Graham Bell moved to the USA and in 1872 he opened a school for training teachers of the deaf in Boston. In 1873 he became Professor of Vocal Physiology in Boston University.
Daha sonra Alexander Graham Bell ABD’ye taşındı ve 1872’de Boston’da sağırlara öğretmen yetiştiren bir okul açtı. 1873’te Boston Üniversitesi’nde Ses Fizyolojisi Profesörü oldu.
Bell married a deaf woman in 1877 and they had four children.
Bell 1877’de sağır bir kadınla evlendi ve dört çocuğu oldu.
Alexander Graham Bell also carried out experiments in many other subjects and in 1898 he became President of the National Geographical Society.
Alexander Graham Bell başka birçok konuda da deneyler yaptı ve 1898’de National Geographical Society’nin başkanı oldu.
Alexander Graham Bell was the man who invented the telephone.
Telefonu icat eden kişi Alexander Graham Bell’dir.
Bell died on 2 August 1922 at his home in Nova Scotia.
Bell 2 Ağustos 1922’de Nova Scotia’daki evinde öldü.